We are a group of academics from a range of backgrounds including the Semantic Web, Linked Data, Multi-agent systems, Privacy, Trust, Decentralised Infrastructures, Cyber Physical Social Systems and Blockchains who are motivated to create a web where individuals and organisations remain in control.

John Domingue
Director of KMiI am interested in how a combination of blockchain and Linked Data technologies can be used to process personal data in a decentralised trusted manner and how this can be applied in the educational domain.

Sabrina Kirrane
Senior Postdoctoral ResearcherTechnology and society are constantly evolving. Although we can't predict what the future holds we can certainly influence it!

Luis-Daniel Ibáñez
Research FellowMy research is centred around finding the right balance between centralisation and decentralisation in socio-technical systems.

Elena Simperl
Professor of Computer ScienceMy research is at the intersection between AI and crowd computing. It helps designers understand how to build socio-technical systems that combine machine algorithms with human and social capabilities.

Allan Third
Research FellowMy background is in formal semantics and philosophy, and I am interested in the use of practical computing applications to feed back into theoretical advances, and vice versa.

Ruben Verborgh
Professor of Decentralized Web TechnologyLet’s redefine the relation between people, apps, and data. By taking control of our data flow, we take control of our choices. Privacy is nothing but a byproduct of sustainable innovation.

Olaf Hartig
Associate ProfessorI am interested in problems related to the management of data and databases. My focus in this broad context is on data on the Web and on graph data, as well as on problems in which the data is distributed over multiple, autonomous data sources.