We bring together disparate research areas to form a common dialogue on the technical issues and how these relate to social, economic, and policy aspects. An initial list of related themes includes:
We will organise formal and informal research meetings and come together to write scholarly articles and acquire research funding.
I am interested in how a combination of blockchain and Linked Data technologies can be used to process personal data in a decentralised trusted manner and how this can be applied in the educational domain.
Technology and society are constantly evolving. Although we can't predict what the future holds we can certainly influence it!
My research is centred around finding the right balance between centralisation and decentralisation in socio-technical systems.
My research is at the intersection between AI and crowd computing. It helps designers understand how to build socio-technical systems that combine machine algorithms with human and social capabilities.
My background is in formal semantics and philosophy, and I am interested in the use of practical computing applications to feed back into theoretical advances, and vice versa.
Let’s redefine the relation between people, apps, and data. By taking control of our data flow, we take control of our choices. Privacy is nothing but a byproduct of sustainable innovation.
I am interested in problems related to the management of data and databases. My focus in this broad context is on data on the Web and on graph data, as well as on problems in which the data is distributed over multiple, autonomous data sources.
The main goal of DEL4ALL is to transform the current European research and innovation initiatives in the area of digital enhanced learning into an increasingly cohesive, dynamic, participatory and sustainable ecosystem, capable of effectively stimulating collaboration among all key players in an inclusive an impactful way.
The European Union Blockchain Observatory and Forum aims to accelerate blockchain innovation and the development of the blockchain ecosystem within the EU, and so help cement Europe’s position as a global leader in this transformative new technology.
The overall objective of KnowGraphs is to scale KGs to be accessible to a wide audience of users across multiple domains including (1) companies (in domains including Industry 4.0, bio-medicine, finance, law) of all sizes and even (2) end users (e.g., through personal assistants and web search).
We believe the blockchain technology and smart contracts can also be used in education in many interesting and potentially revolutionary scenarios. Visit our website to see some of the ways we see the future of education developing using the blockchain and what we are doing to progress towards our vision.
Decentralised Qualifications' Verification and Management for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation